President Milanović’s Inaugural Speech

18. February 2020.

“Dear citizens of the Republic of Croatia,

Dear Madam President (Grabar-Kitarović),

Dear Mr. Speaker (of the Croatian Parliament),

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

Dear Mr. Mesić,

Dear Mr. Josipović,

Dear friends.

One of the leading present-day thinkers, in my opinion, has recently said that the future of a true Western liberal democracy can only be secured by keeping the truth independent of the desires of the majority of voters, and by keeping the desires of the majority of voters independent of the truth. Elections are not a means to find the truth. Elections are a way of reaching a peaceful compromise between the opposing wishes of different people.

The majority of voters or members of Parliament, can, for instance, decide that there is no climate change problem or that this is not a problem at all, but that will not change the fact that the problem exists. The truth is one thing, but having a legitimate political will to do something with it, or doing nothing, is another matter. Truth is not about the desire of the people.

How do we keep truth and desire separate, especially today when technology, with all the beautiful and exciting things that come with it, facilitates the manipulation of human desire in an unprecedented way? It seems to me that there is only one right way, and that is full and active support of the Government to academic and scientific independence and independence of the judiciary and media. That’s the strongest defence against tyranny.

The scientific community, judiciary and media must work incessantly on perfecting the anti-corruption mechanisms in their own ranks. I believe, therefore, that the protection and promotion of the independence of the judiciary, media and science are the most important constitutional responsibilities of the President of the Republic in ensuring the stability of Government.

I do not intend to be a corrective, but rather a constructive factor in areas of direct competence or co-competence of the President of the Republic, and in general. In my view, this arises from the spirit of our Constitution. I will be committed, above all, to those elements of defence and national security that open the possibility for making headway, both in terms of professional achievements and education, as well as in the transparency of these important and extremely sensitive systems. In foreign policy, I will also focus on those points on which we can build cooperation and prosperity. There is no doubt that there are incomparably more such points than those that distance us from our neighbours and from the world, even when it comes to countries with which we have the largest number of unresolved issues.  

Ladies and gentlemen,

I ask of you beforehand for a seed of understanding for my possible future mistakes. For these mistakes will never be intentional, with the idea to hurt or degrade anyone. They never have been. I will do my best to make sure that this seed produces a presidential term to the benefit of a modern Croatia and its citizens.

And in doing so, I do not accept that it is a mistake or a great misfortune when we differ in our beliefs and opinions. It is a mistake to doubt a person’s motivation or patriotism because of differences in opinion. Every day, I will fight for the citizens’ support in denouncing this miserable practice that has been following us for 30 years.

For patriotism, unlike nationalism, is a critical commitment and negation of exclusiveness. Patriotism is a constant and persistent effort to affirm those aspects of statehood that have made our society and our lives better, and are making them better, freer, more meaningful and inspired. The broader and more nuanced this spectrum of commitment to Croatia is, the happier, I believe, our country will be to live in.

Patriotism implies an indelible memory and an eternal gratitude to men, women and children who were killed and who suffered for our freedom both in the Homeland War and during the antifascist struggle in the Second World War. Patriotism is also awareness of the failures of triumphalism that unfortunately sometimes accompanied our victories in the wars, but we should not compare or equate those failures.

Wars are over. Today, it is our duty and responsibility to ensure that no citizen of our country feels intimidated, discriminated against or in any way excluded just because they are different. When I say different, I also mean weaker according to several criteria: gender, ethnic, social, religious, work and age. Such patriotism is based on the highest values of our Constitution and our sheer humanity, if you will, and not on myths, past traumas and prejudice.

Our future depends, perhaps first and foremost, on the quality of education and the belief in the fact that knowledge is key to a more fulfilled and successful life. Despite everything, today Croatia is wealthy and mature and experienced enough to be able to make quality education at all levels accessible to everyone, regardless of their social status, origin or ethnicity.

To a great extent, our future also depends on our treatment of our own culture. And culture encompasses an amateur society, a movie at a major international festival, a cultural centre on an island and a national institution. Culture is being open to the world, it is a tradition and a modern creative industry, but it has always been among the nobler ways of countering the social exclusion of our people.

Dear citizens, dear friends,

Our Republic is not, and will never be comprised only of highly educated, competitive, enterprising individuals or those with a scientific, artistic or athletic talent. Croatia is the home of an unskilled worker and a respectable academic alike. Croatia belongs equally to an unemployed lathe operator and an overworked programmer, to an underpaid worker at the cash register and a manager in a public or private enterprise.

Promoting solidarity in society, a fairer division of national wealth, and the fight against clientelism, a culture of lies and greed is the main and most effective instrument in combating inequality and the growing gap between rich and poor.

Our Republic needs every person and every person in Croatia must be given a chance to find their way and their place, to live in dignity from decent work.

This is a home to us all, to us who live here and to the generations to come, as well as to those who are yet to return.

Thank you. All the best and long live the Republic of Croatia!”