President of the Republic of Croatia’s Economic Council Established

01. December 2020.

The President of the Republic Zoran Milanović has reached a Decision to Establish the Economic Council of the President of the Republic of Croatia. Asst. Prof. Velibor Mačkić, PhD, Special Adviser to the President of the Republic of Croatia for the Economy has been appointed the Council’s president.

The Members of the Council who were appointed include: Prof. Đula Borozan, PhD, (Faculty of Economics, Osijek), Prof. Boris Cota, PhD, (Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb), Assoc. Prof. Bruno Ćorić, PhD, (Faculty of Economics, Split), Assoc. Prof. Saša Drezgić, PhD, (Faculty of Economics, Rijeka), Asst. Prof. Ana Grdović Gnip, PhD, (Faculty of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Information Technology, University of Primorska, Koper), Assoc. Prof. Tomislav Hernaus, PhD, (Faculty of Economics and Business, Zagreb), Mario Holzner (Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies – WIIW) , Asst. Prof. Igor Matutinović, PhD, (The Zagreb School of Economics and Management, Sheffield Business School), Assoc. Prof. Vinko Muštra, PhD, (Faculty of Economics, Split), Marina Tkalec, PhD, (The Institute of Economics, Zagreb) and Iva Tomić, PhD, (Croatian Employers’ Association, Zagreb).

The Economic Council of the President of the Republic of Croatia will conduct expert discussions and give views on issues dealing with economic policy in order to prepare relevant strategic groundwork and analyses of the of the Croatian economy’s long-term trends and structures.